Monday, March 27, 2006

the best movie fight scene of all time...

...and by best, I mean worst. A friend sent me the link a few minutes ago, and it is fantastic. We were trying to figure out how exactly the guy's eye gets ripped out, but who knows. Then we decided that we MUST find this movie, rent it, and watch the whole thing. The movie is called "Undefeatable," but it's not on Netflix! If anybody has any ideas on how I could procure this movie, please let me know.

Without further ado...


Anonymous said...

So, I got about half way through that clip, and couldn't take it anymore!! And I didn't even have the sound on. Oh, Leah, what tangled webs we weave. I'm sorry that I don't comment much on here, I'm too use to the easiness of xanga, though I do really like blogspot. Oh, and the 35-year old is not in the pic. I made sure of that. :)

Anonymous said...

I am speechless...


Anonymous said...

that was awesome!! Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful direction. The lighting, the mood, the music. It all fits so perfectly.

Caes said...

Well, if any of you are gluttons for punishment, here are about 6 more horribly lame movie fight scenes to check out:

You've been warned.