Thursday, March 23, 2006

signing my life away

Well, I registered for the LSAT yesterday. I'm taking it on Monday, June 12, at Georgia State University in Atlanta. I must be crazy to be considering even more school. If I go to law school, when I finish I'll have been in school for 9 years. Yeah, I'm definitely out of my mind. But there's something appealing about being in school. And there's definitely something appealing about a law degree. I definitely don't picture myself as a hot-shot attorney in a huge law firm, but how cool would it be to be a lawyer for the government? I wonder if the CIA needs attorneys. Finally, my Alias dreams are coming true! I also think it would be really cool to work for a non-profit group for a few years, or even to get into some kind of religion/law field. But I'm getting way ahead of myself. First, I need to make a good score on the LSAT. I have a little more than two months to study up...I'd better get started.

I bought the newest Jamie Cullum album today, and it's fantastic. Thanks, Ross, for suggesting I buy it. He covers a song called "Catch the Sun," a song by a band named Doves which I totally love. I haven't listened to the album all the way through yet, but I think I can safely say it was definitely worth the $15 I charged on my mom's credit card.

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