Friday, March 24, 2006

march madness

Even though I know very little about SEC basketball and absolutely nothing about basketball in all the other conferences, I decided to fill out a bracket this year. I started a pool on Facebook, which I named "I thought this was a swimming pool," half in an attempt to be funny and half in an attempt to let people know that I had no idea what I was doing. Although, I think my bracket speaks for itself concerning the latter attempt. Out of the 11 people who joined my pool, I'm guessed it...number 11. This could probably be attributed to the haphazard way in which I picked teams. Normally I'd pick the team with the prettiest colors, but with no colors to go on (and being too lazy to find them out for myself), I decided to go on location. I picked Pacific to make it all the way through the third round because I like the Pacific. I have no idea where Pacific the school is, but California is cool, and I've always wanted to visit the Pacific Northwest. Thus I picked Pacific, and apparently they suck. Kansas was in my final four. I know Kansas isn't that fantastic of a state, but I've always heard Lawrence is cool--full of hippies and good music. Kansas lost in the first round. Duke lost to LSU recently, and of course I had Duke in my final four because North Carolina, though I've never been there, has got to be way cooler than dirty Louisiana.

Clearly, this method did not serve me well. Next year, if I fill out a bracket, I will probably go with coin-flipping. Heads, the higher seed wins; tails, the lower. I bet I'll win!

1 comment:

Leah said...

You've gotta admit, Shmaaron...besides Lawrence, Kansas is like 90% flat nothing. Arkansas is WAY cooler.